European Style Butter

European Style Butter
European style butter is made from sour cream. To make your own
Cuisine: European
Recipe type: Butter
Sour Cream
  • 1 qt heavy cream
  • 2-3 tbs buttermilk
  • Sourcream
  • Salt (to taste)
To Make Sour Cream
  1. Combine the heavy cream and the buttermilk.
  2. Let it sit at room temperature for 48 hours.
To Make Butter
  1. Whisk/beat the sour cream in a KitchenAid mixer (or similar) for 20-25 minutes.
  2. Separate the butter from the buttermilk while try to squeeze out of much of the buttermilk as you can.
  3. Add the salt to taste. (Optional but helps the shelf-life).


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Meet the Author

Fr Vlad

Fr. Vlad Zablotskyy is the rector of Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Yonkers, NY. He enjoys cooking, baking bread and gardening.

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  • Pr. Very nice commentary, who knew how to do this – not me! And, my Favorite dessert is cheesecake so the homemade sour cream would be delicious instead of commercial (kind). Actually, a simple process- butter- unless it is your talent that makes it so! Doamne Ajuta! Glory to Jesus Christ!

  • Sophie Smietana

    Thank you again. Amazing recipe ! I make farmers cheese. I use a fine mesh strainer, but can a cheese cloth be used for your butter ? My hands don’t work as well as yours lol.

    • Fr Vlad

      Sophie, I am not quite sure if the cheese cloth will work well. Would like to make farmer’s cheese myself one day. Can you share a recipe?