Willow Creek Winery Chocolate Temptation Pulled Pork

Original recipe is modified to resemble of what we did in the video. If you cook the whole bone-in pork butt, you can feed about 20 people with it.

Willow Creek Winery Chocolate Temptation Pulled Pork
Cuisine: American
Recipe type: Main Dish
Serves: 20
Prep time: 
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  1. Place the pork shoulder butt in slow cooker and cover the roast completely with seasoning salt.
  2. Pour cola, wine, and barbecue sauce in a bawl and mix together. Pour the mixture over the pork.
  3. Cook on low for 6 hours or longer for more tender pork.
  4. After 4 hours shred the pork with a fork and let it cook in the sauce for the remaining time


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Meet the Author

Fr Vlad

Fr. Vlad Zablotskyy is the rector of Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Yonkers, NY. He enjoys cooking, baking bread and gardening.